Meet the Authors

John Szinger

Writer of the infamous “Zing Origami”, More about Szinger and how to reach his book online,

Marc Sky

Borrowing from the Japanese techniques of origami, Marc’s unique creations run the gamut.  To see for yourself,

Marc Kirshenbaum

From puzzles to playboy, Kirshenbaum will have you folding like never before. To learn more, 

JC Nolan

If you’ve ever wondered how an origami designer thinks or more information on how to create new models yourself – Nolan’s book is for you. To learn more,

John Montroll

“As a child I thought it was cheating to not use a single uncut square for origami.” Learn more about John and his popular works,

Brian K. Webb

An Origami author himself, and the owner of Origami Publishing.

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